Austin TX 3-6-22
(Para Jorge, para que vuelva a su pueblo en libertad)
Cuentan que el cerro hay caminos
Felinos sembrados con amor
Donde peregrinos los transitan
En las mañanitas cuando sale el sol
Cuentan que allá vivía Zoila
Y que fué su locura mayor
El volar con cientos de palomas
Que piden migajas ante cada pecador
Cuentan que alla en la gruta
Un terremoto botó
La antigua cúpula
con la virgen adentro, pero ya regresó
Y cuentan que allá en lo alto,
las nubes están a sus pies
La fria tarde te ecuentran
Buscando buñuelos para comer
Cuentan que allá había pavas
Aunque nunca nadie las miró
Solo queda una vieja antena
Testigo de guerras que sobrevivió
Cuentan que ese lago es un cráter
Y que un cura de ti se prendó
Y dijo bendita sea tu tierra
Benditos tus hijos que los salve mi señor
Y adentro Cojutepeque
Afuera están los demás
Que sueñan ver a su gente
Volver a su pueblo y vivir en paz
Volver a su pueblo en libertad
Comiendo chorizos para cenar
Computer based translation
They say
Austin TX 3-6-22
(For Jorge, so that he returns to his town in freedom)
They say that the hill has roads
Felines sown with love
Where pilgrims transit them
In the mornings when the sun rises
They say that Zoila lived there
And what was his greatest madness
Flying with hundreds of pigeons
Who ask for crumbs before every sinner
They say that there in the grotto
An earthquake struck
the old dome
with the virgin inside, but she’s back
And they say that up there,
the clouds are at your feet
The cold afternoon they find you
Looking for fritters to eat
They say that there were turkeys
Although no one ever looked at them
Only an old antenna remains
Witness of wars who survived
They say that lake is a crater
And that a priest of you turned on
And he said blessed be your land
Blessed are your children may my lord save them
And inside Cojutepeque
Outside are the others
who dream of seeing their people
Go back to your village and live in peace
Go back to your village in freedom
eating sausages for dinner
from Veinte, releases August 19, 2022
Gabriel Gutierrez Durán percussion, Mauricio Ernesto on background vocals, Mauricio Callejas on vocals, guitars, ukulele, bass, accordion, MIDI programming. Produced and arranged by Mauricio Callejas. © 2022
Recorded by Andre Moran, mixed by Mauricio Callejas and mastered by Camilo Silva of Camilo Silva Mastering