Diez – Video


Ten, I wrote this song to celebrate an anniversary, 2007 marked 10 years of existence of the “Tropa Cosmica” which is technically an e-mail distribution list around the work of the Cuban singer-songwriter, Silvio Rodriguez, but it is really more than a bunch of e-mails addresses; it is vibrant and controversial community of art, politics, music, life lovers. A home recorded version of the song served during the Tropa Cosmica 2007 international reunion in Argentina, as the theme song. I included the song for my second CD “Magico” of 2008 and dedicated it for our 10th wedding anniversary. Now here I am re-using the song to wrap up the first decade of this century, ten years that have been the most intense of my life and I have a feeling that this is just the beginning.

May 13, 2006

Ya sean para cantar los años
Ya sean para contar los pasos

10 canciones de amor diez canciones de odio
10 razones para soñar cambiar el mundo
Y es la necedad de la rabia
La que nos sigue trayendo lejos

10 lazos 10 nudos 10 guerras sin tregua
Y es a trazos desnudos que borras fronteras
Y es la cantera y la maza
La que nos sigue trayendo cerca

Ya sean para cantar los años
Ya sean para contar los pasos

10 bits, 10 bytes 10 casas virtuales
10 Mega almas cantando y buscando ideales
Y es la expedición de la rosa
La que nos sigue trayendo tropa

Ya sean para cantar los años
Ya sean para contar los pasos
10 dedos de 100 manos y sin cuenta los abrazos
De verdad aquí estarán


May 13th, 2006

Whether to sing the years
Whether to count the steps

Ten love songs, ten songs of hate
Ten reasons for dreaming about changing the world
It is the nonsense of rage
What has brought us here, so far away

Ten ties, ten knots, ten wars with no truce
The frontiers are erased by naked strokes
Is the dance of the mallet
What has brought us here, so close

Whether to sing the years
Whether to count the steps
Ten bits, Ten Bytes, Ten virtual rooms
Ten Mega-souls singing and seeking ideals
Is the rose’s expedition
What keeps bringing us, here

Whether to sing the years
Whether to count the steps
Ten fingers of a hundred hands
And countless hugs, True ones will be here.

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