Category Archives: Agenda

Concierto en El Salvador 20 de Enero

Concierto en Queens NY

Latin Piano Night

Join us at the Draylen Mason studio of KMFA’s performance space for a Latin American musical showcase with exquisite arrangements centered around the the majestic sound of a grand piano played by award winning Steinway Artist Esteban Alvarez (Costa Rica), who will be at the center stage leading the night with original arrangements that will take you on a musical journey from Mexico to Argentina. An event produced by Alex Caslo and Mauricio Callejas.


  • Guitar – Mauricio Callejas (El Salvador) IG-@mcallejas_music
  • Bass – Dennis Reyes (Honduras)
  • Percussion – Tonico Vanalli (Brazil)

Special guests

  • Ana Barajas (Colombia) IG- @anabarajasmusic
  • Alex Caslo (El Salvador) IG- @alejandrocaslo
  • Karin Florez (Peru)