Nuevo Disco: Mágico

Magico: New CD!
Magico: New CD!


Mauricio Callejas’ new CD is ready and soon to be released in Austin TX. Click the link to read more details about it and to listen some of the songs. Mágico will be available online at Central World Music.


El nuevo disco de Mauricio Callejas esta listo y pronto será lanzado oficialmente en Austin TX. Haz click en el enlace para leer mas detalles y para escuchar algunas canciones del disco. Mágico podrá ser adquirido en linea por medio de Central World Music.

Welcome – Bienvenidos!

Mauricio Callejas

Mauricio Callejas, singer-songwriter of Austin Texas, original from El Salvador. Released his third album “Helado Pop” in April 2012, a modern compilation of his latest creations; the record was produced by Michael Ramos. Mauricio has previously published two other albums: “Cosas de la Calle” 2002 in El Salvador, and “Magico” 2008 in Austin TX.

With a career that spans more than two decades, Mauricio Callejas, has performed in different scenarios of Latin America, the United States and Canada.
He is the founder of the first songwriter directory of Central America, and produces a weekly radio program that is broadcasted from different radio stations around the world.

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Salvadoran Singer-Songwriter